flight attendant request

Publicada por: sorina25 en Personas

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Letter of request for passangers who fly with any crew members

Passengers have had some complaints with the airline so I’d just like to address a few of them…
Emirates has won a lot of awards and i know because of this the passengers expectations are very high, but please be realistic! When i say we don’t have anymore chicken left don’t tell me to find some because unfortunately we don’t have a chicken farm onboard and i cant jump off the aircraft to the local shop to get you your, tomato ketchup,a toasted sandwich,pot noodles,chinese food and other ridiculous things passengers ask for!
And please please learn some manners, a please and a thank you is music to ours ears! “Get me a pepsi” is plain rude! I’m not sure where most passengers learnt their english but believe me you’ll get your pepsi or 7up a lot quicker if your polite! As my mother taught me “i want” never gets!
And regards to families traveling with infants, would you ever travel on a long car journey without milk or nappies? You are a parent i think your priority is to be prepared for your childs needs it certainly isn’t ours! and please change the baby inside the toilet, not on the tray table other passengers will be using on the next flight! And THROW the dirty nappy in the bin! I’m sure you wouldn’t leave it on the side for everyone to see in your own house(well maybe some of you would!)
Well i could go on and on and on but im not, it’s my job and most days i love it! But i hope now you can see why we might seem a bit unhappy at times we arnt only dealing with you, open your eyes a bit and see whats going on around you! we’re not robots but we do try our best and if that’s not good enough for you then im sorry. Stop complaining we really don’t need to hear it!

Fecha de publicación 12/11/2010 | Vistas: 4782

Poesías del mismo autor


atrandafir a comentat:

are you a stewardess? :)

sorina25 a comentat:

a wanna be...in the becomig process, soon..:)

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