Publicada por: adelinna en Amor
Responde con otra poesía Votar!
Azi sufletul imi este trist,
de dorul tau eu stau si plang
ma simt pustie,parca nu exist
si cat as vrea ,in brate sa te strang
azi amintirea ta ma doare,
desi imi spui ca ma iubesti
eu simt cum sufletul meu moare
te caut ,te strig dar tu nu esti.....
nu pot zambii,caci fara tine
nu am motive sa zambesc
parca-am pierdut ceva din mine
de cand pe tine te iubesc
azi te iubesc mai mult ca ieri
si mult mai dor imi va fi maine,
ma lasi ma chemi si ma disperi
cat mai rezist eu fara tine?
si ce fac azi cu-a mea iubire?
Cu al meu dor neostoit?
Ce fac cu dulcea amintire
a clipelor cand ne-am iubit?
ce fac cu-atatea lacrimi grele
ce-mi usca sufletul mereu
tu esti iubirea vietii mele
si ma topesc de dorul tau :)
publicata in 2011-09-03
Fecha de publicación 30/05/2012 | Vistas: 3293
a comentat:
foarte frumoasa! :)
a comentat:
a comentat:
e saying about rmsuees is this: Resumes are tools to help employers eliminate candidates . what I mean by this is that if you have a typo. If your objective is not right ..the resume goes into an employer's circular file . I mean if you don't have what they are looking for, your personality doesn't even shine through on rmsuees so its best to call the HR-hiring manager before even sending a resume. If you can't do that, make sure to do your homework before even sending a resume out.
a comentat:
It is really rare to come arsocs an expert in whom you might have some trust. In the world in the present day, nobody absolutely cares about showing others exactly how in this matter. How fortuitous I am to have found a really wonderful web page as this. It's people like you who make a true difference in this world through the concepts they reveal.[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us '272479737 which is not a hashcash value.
a comentat:
a0sRNs yddmonkwfjqr