And a thousand fears

Publicada por: atrandafir en Sentimientos

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At times you feel it's right
But then you doubt
One minute you believe it
The next one you don't

You keep trying to find reasons
To justify why taking a step would be wise
Not because you can
But because you should

It's fucked up anyway
Uncontrolled feelings and hormones
That you won't understand
And you won't control

And you know you're fucked up
So don't hurt her
But be smarter this time
And stay away from her

What if you shouldn't
Or won't know how to handle it
And turn it into a big mess
And a thousand more fears


.. but you know fear is fucked up
and that facing shit might actually be good
for both of you
.. and that you do have some kind
of friendship and trust
.. and might both be aware
of the risks

Disclaimer: Sorry for the lack of rhyme, just wanted to get it out.

Fecha de publicación 14/02/2021 | Vistas: 2129 | 1 vot

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