
Publicada por: goeteri en Sentimientos

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Nereușită intenție
Falsă intervenție
Final de ratat...

Început impotent
Fatal faliment
Risc încercat...

Amor repetat
Rău programat
Copil avortat...

Vis ireal
Egal inegal
Bogatul sărac...

Mare în mic
Sus și falit;
Un scăpătat...

Hard-ul în soft
Valoare în moft
Vis resetat...

Plan nesfârșit
Prost construit,
Tot dărâmat...

Bine-n greșeală
Rău ”la pocneală”,
”Bluff” meritat...

Gafă în zis
Erată în scris
Ne asumat...

Dorință ispită
”Ne” reușită,
Rău inventat...

Concurs ratat,
Muncă la stat

Bun ce dezbină
Răul în crimă
Cagulă în fes
Luatul ne dres
Nedatul luat
Pumn dezmierdat;
Plan dejucat
Tot încercat...............

Fecha de publicación 11/02/2011 | Vistas: 3250

Poesías del mismo autor


motzoaca a comentat:

Inspiratie putina
Nimeni de vina
Rima ìncurcata ...
Esuata .

cand am timp nu am inspiratie si invers ; ìntre timp ma delectez citind poeziile altora dar slaba miscare pe aici ...

goeteri a comentat:

Oh, constatare
Ce crudă-i și doare;
E oare

Mulțumirile mele ca-n totdeauna pentru schimbul de spirit, chiar dacă poate ...eșuez adesea!

zuzu a comentat:

mie imi place:D

goeteri a comentat:

Thanks zuzu pentru înțelegerea eșuărilor pe care fiecare-n parte le avem... undeva, cândva...

zuzu a comentat:


Hanawing a comentat:

Thanks for this article, these iuesss have been percolating in my head since my own marriage is now impending (sometime before the end of the year, hopefully, if US Customs and Immigration Service plays nice). Not the kid thing, since I've chosen not to have them and gotten myself sterilized, but the whole name thing.I am going to change my last name to his but haven't decided what all I might do in terms of my step-father's and mother's last name. I have the last name of my estranged biological father and mostly I just want to get rid of it. I might have been born with it, but it was only the name of my family for the first 3 years of my life and I don't have any good memories associated with it. So WildlyParenthetical's comment really, really resonates with me. I may be capitulating to patriarchy to get rid of my current last name but damn, there's no name I could take from anywhere in my family tree that wouldn't be the name some father had passed on to his children. Keeping my current last name just continues to align me with the father I've never really known, and if I'm going to tag myself with a man's last name, I might as well use my step-father's and my new husband's in some combination, because at least I care deeply for both of them.There's other options there, it's true, but I don't particularly care for any of them. I'm still struggling, though, with the feeling that I should be doing something all rebellious and difficult, like choosing a new last name entirely, even though that's not what I want to do.

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