
Publicada por: geaninaa94 en Abstracto

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imi spui ca pleci?Pleaca,nu mai sta!
Nu mai ascult nici un cuvant din partea ta!
n-am vrut sa cred ca tu ma minti,cand imi spuneai ca ma iubeai,
credeam in tine,si-n tot ce imi spuneai.
Ajunsi la capat de drum,nu stim incotro sa mergem,
Caci viata ne spune multe,dar nu stim ce sa alegem.
E greu fara tine,dar mai greu cu tine,
Decat sa plang,mai bine sa-mi fie bine maine.
Esti liber ca sa pleci,eu nu te mai retin,
Si eu plec,si iti spun,n-am sa mai revin.
Nu te scuza,ca nu mai are rost,
Am pierdut atata timp,chiar fara rost.
Am facut relatia praf,ca un zid ce se darama,
Din iubirea noastra n-a ramas nici o farama.
In inima inca am urme de tine,
DAr le sterg,poate va fii mai bine!

Fecha de publicación 11/04/2012 | Vistas: 3054

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e saying about remesus is this: Resumes are tools to help employers eliminate candidates . what I mean by this is that if you have a typo. If your objective is not right ..the resume goes into an employer's circular file . I mean if you don't have what they are looking for, your personality doesn't even shine through on remesus so its best to call the HR-hiring manager before even sending a resume. If you can't do that, make sure to do your homework before even sending a resume out.

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