O seara pierduta

Publicada por: franco en Sentimientos

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Adulmec fumul de tigara
Ce se revarsa-n incapere,
Cu ochii ficsi privesc afara,
Spre o naluca, o adiere.

Si simturile-mi sunt strapunse
De-un sentiment de intristare.
Oare pe unde-or fi ascunse
Clipele dragi, de nepasare?

Si timpul trece, timpul trece,
Si cara dupa el povara,
A unui suflet tot mai rece,
Ce nu-si gaseste alinarea.

Si totusi, blanda, calduroasa,
O raza de sperant-apare,
Si-nchide noaptea cea geroasa,
Cu-n splendid rasarit de soare.

Fecha de publicación 14/01/2012 | Vistas: 2525

nelly002 a comentat:

it give me a great pleasure to write you after viewing your profile which really interest me to have communication with you, if you will have the desire with me so that we can get to know each other and see what happened in future.i will be very happy if you can write me through my email for easiest communication. my email is (nelly_johnson88@yahoo.co.uk) i will be waiting to hear from you. have a blessed day.from Nelly Pls. Contact me through my private address so that I can send photo

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